8 Line Network Exchange Unit – CFVCX8

The VoCALL network exchange unit is a small, wall-mounted unit which can be distributed throughout a site and concealed from view in convenient locations such as risers, stairwells and cupboards.

Ideal for the expansion of Eaton networkable analogue VoCALL systems, with the connection of up to 19 network exchange units possible giving 152 outstations on a network, the exchange unit can greatly reduce the cabling requirement and equipment ‘on view’ in public places such as reception areas. This results in an aesthetically pleasing system for the customer, as well as reducing the costs to install.

Each Network Exchange unit sits on a network and is locally powered with internal battery backup from a monitored, maintained and sealed lead acid battery.

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VoCall: Analogue

Product Type

Exchange Unit

Contact me about this Product


Easy to install out of sight when required


Upload information quickly via a PC


Compact design ideal for public areas

Voice alarm system expansion? Say goodbye to cumbersome central racks

The VoCALL 8 line network exchange can connect up to 19 units on any analogue VoCALL network, meaning that there is no requirement for central exchange rack.

Why must I have a disabled refuge emergency voice communication system?

Risk assessments of new buildings must make provision for means of escape of disabled people in line with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order. Building Regulations dictate new non-domestic buildings with 1+ stories provide ‘refuge’ areas – relatively safe places where people who cannot easily escape can call for assistance and wait for help. Simple two-way communication in these areas is essential, to assist rescue teams in determining where assistance is needed and to reassure people help is coming.


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